yoyo@home brings existing distributed computing projects to the BOINC world using the
BOINC Wrapper technology.
yoyo@home is currently running the following sub-projects:
This subproject produces Sieve Files for the CRUS-project.
We are sieving for Riesel/Sierpinski to b
conjectures where b<1030. (Form: k*bn-/+1).
Sieve files are needed to start testing for primes.
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ECM is a program for Elliptic Curve Factorization which is used by a couple of projects to find factors for different kind of numbers.
-> progress -> factors
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-- finished --
M Queens
The M queens puzzle
is the problem of placing M chess queens on an M x M chessboard
so that no two queens threaten each other; thus, a solution requires that no two
queens share the same row, column, or diagonal.
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the distributed.net client and runs OGR work units. This project searches for the shortest Optimal Golumb Ruler of the length 28. Some virus scanner sometimes false detect the client as trojan (list of known false detections).
The yoyo@home team at distributed.net.
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Perfect Cuboid aims to find a
Perfect Cuboid or to prove that if it exists, its space diagonal must be greater than N
(N<263). During our moving up we will also find almost perfect cuboids: Edge and
Face cuboids (completely for ranges up to 250) and some kinds of cuboids in complex numbers
(Perfect Complex, Imaginary and Twilight).
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Nontrivial Collatz Cycle wants to prove that there are no
Collatz Cycles
with length < 17*109 other than 1 - 4 - 2.
Therefore it searches for
Path Records
with start numbers up to 1020.
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evolution@home represents the first and so far only distributed computing project addressing evolutionary research. It simulates different types of populations and focuses on the analysis of human mitochondrial DNA. Read the original Evolution@home website for more information.
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Muon simulates and designs parts of a particle accelerator. You are simulating the part of the process where the proton beam hits the target rod and causes pions to be emitted, which decay into muons.
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Odd Weird Search
This project is a number-theoretic project which searches for odd weird numbers.
In fact, no odd weird number is known. Previous effort searches up to 1021.
The project continues this effort of searching for odd weird numbers up to 1028.
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Harmonious Trees
Graham and Sloane proposed in 1980 a conjecture stating that every tree has a harmonious labelling, a graph labelling closely related to additive base. We do a computational approach to this conjecture by checking trees with limited size.
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Euler (6,2,5) computes minimal equal sums of power 6. The project is dedicated to all those who are fascinated by powers and integers.
-> progress and found solutions
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